Dirty Art Club - Sugar

this cut comes at you real bass heavy yet melodic and smooth, almost as if my head was doing spins thru a sonic field of green buds or nugs... either way instrumentals are the bees knees when done right and produces imagination or imagery in the mind as the piece progresses, this almost has a RZA feel to it or a Kill Bill soundtrack touch...

Why do we like this?
Do you ever hear a song with an appeal almost too simple to categorize? Like those random gems you discover deep into a YouTube hole, that might sound even better because you know nothing about the track's artist or genre. 

"Sugar" is a song with easy charm, that's undemanding on the listener to be enjoyed. I'm not sure if it's dreamy chillwave, lo-fi electronic, or psych-pop... and I'm not sure if any of that matters either. 

According to Bandcamp, Dirty Art Clubs influences center mostly around hip-hop beats, specifically from RZA. That can definitely be heard on the rest of their fantastic new tape, Basement Seance. Check it out here, put it on as background music and you may stumble upon something as sweet and surprising as I did.
