Kate Tempest - Europe is Lost

Produced by a fan (Manuel Braun), the video features hundreds of clips, from TV footage of the US election, Isis, the KKK, Trump, beauty pageants to apocalyptic film scenes. 

this fly passion powered poet out of the UK flavors my views on global politics as whole as she fuses spoken word poetry (originally read in front of UK parliament) rapper-spoken word artist Kate Tempest spouts visceral, rhythmically dizzying angst

"Europe is lost, America is lost, London lost/ Still we are clamoring victory," she observes over wobbling synths, alternating between a deadpan spoken word energetic hip-hop flow. "All that is meaningless/ We have learned nothing from history."

Throughout the track, Tempest paints a or shares character portrait of "Esther," a social worker agonized by the cruelty and hypocrisy of a consumerist society filled with overmedicated children, terrorism, gun violence, racism, poverty and fetishized celebrities.

